The joy of bringing home a puppy is exciting yet can also be overwhelming. Remember to prep your home! We curated, tried, and tested faves that we buy repeatedly. Grab these items before bringing your pup home so you both are ready to live carefree. Read below or head straight to our list!

Our Faves
Keep it simple and basic at the beginning. Most of those cute and adorable items you see at the store, like beds, collars, bandannas, etc., will quickly be ruined or outgrown. To avoid losing money, keep it simple until your puppy passes the teething and potty training stages. Below are items you'll want to have before bringing home a puppy. Click on any photo to be directed to our shop. Disclaimer: When you shop through my links, I may receive a small commission at no additional cost to you. We appreciate your support!
Food + supplements are an important part of the life and health of a boston terrier. We believe in a raw diet, but if you prefer a pebble, we love the Orijen brand. We add a good-grade probiotic, omega oiI, diatomaceous earth (for flea and tick prevention), and a multivitamin to every bowl..
As mentioned above, don't buy the most expensive, adorable collar, harness, or leash when your pup is still a puppy. The odds are it will somehow be destroyed. Our biggest advice is to use a harness forever or at least until they don't pull anymore.
You may think all dog bowls are created equal, but they, in fact, are not. Most adorable dog bowls are made from ceramic or glass, which makes them extremely porous and a perfect breeding ground for bacteria to grow. We stick with the not-so-glamorous stainless steel and wash our bowls daily.
Bringing home a puppy is not much different than when your toddler begins to walk. You will have to "baby-proof" your home. Full accessibility means lots can go wrong, and bad habits can form. Start with a smaller area and then graduate to larger spaces.
Crate training is not a "cage" to a dog. It's a safe haven to escape when they need a break, a safe place for them when you leave your home, and an incredibly helpful method for potty training and separation anxiety. We use reusable pee pads that are less wasteful and aren't as easy to destroy.
Potty training is simple with OAC Bosties. We litter train our pups so they already understand peeing in a designated area. Most of our pups are treat-oriented. You throw in a chew toy or bene bone for good chewing habits, and you're set for life, not worried about "that dog."
A few other things worth mentioning:
Your puppy will come home with a health certificate that must be taken to your vet within 72 hours of picking up your new puppy for an initial health exam to make our health guarantee valid. Your vet will give you a suggested vaccination schedule to follow.
Register your pup's microchip with your vet and with a microchip company. We use 24Petwatch, which is a free chip registration company.
Another item to buy soon after is a dog tag; we love ByteTag's safety and ease of use. Use code OAC15 at checkout for a 15% discount.
You'll need organic dog shampoo, poop bags for walks, and baby gates to set boundaries in your home from day one.
We created our storefront to make this process quick and easy for you. Click on each item hyperlink above to add items individually, or click here to see all items and more in one place, ready to add to your cart. No time-consuming search party is required!