The Boston Terrier
Boston terriers are the quintessential American pooch! Our charming males, often dubbed the "American gentleman," are here to prove that there's no better dog or more delightful companion than a Boston terrier. Come join the fun and discover why these little charmers steal hearts everywhere!

Usually described as near-perfect companions. Bostons are friendly, affectionate, gentle with children and other animals, playful, comical, lively, intelligent, clean, and easy to train. Bostons live for their owners; they are eager to please and prefer to be by your side.

Boston Terriers are the perfect companions, needing just a moderate amount of exercise and minimal grooming! They thrive in cozy spaces and are known for their delightful manners. But they are not physically or psychologically constituted to be outdoor dogs.

A well-bred and well-cared-for Boston can live a vibrant life of about 11 to 13 years! With a nutritious diet, regular activity, proactive care against Heartworms and other pesky parasites, and regular checkups, we’re excited to see a long, joyful journey ahead for these amazing pups!"
"He's as full of fun as a baseball game and his lovable as a teddy bear. He's as reliable as a Chevrolet and as low maintenance as a pair of blue jeans. He's as friendly as a cowboy and as courageous as a minute man. He's always well-dressed and usually well-mannered. - AKC article
A little Boston Terrier history
Following the Civil War, the Boston Terrier breed was developed in the stables of Boston, Massachusetts, as a fighting dog bred from crosses between the English bulldog and the English white terrier.
In 1893, the Boston Terrier breed received its first recognition, with 75 Bostons approved for admission to the American Kennel Club stud book. Following this recognition, the breed developed rapidly, and Boston Terriers soon found a place in the homes and hearts all across America